April’s Fool

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Nearly 1/3 of total Canadian households are renters. Yet proposed #COVID19 financial relief utterly fails to address looming issue of rent coming due. It’s good that evictions are suspended, but about half of renters live paycheque to paycheque. Arrears will crush us.

That’s why there’s such a strong movement to @keepyourrent. Renters aren’t “taking advantage” of a crisis. We are making difficult decisions amidst great uncertainty.
Personally, it hurts when @JohnTory speaks derisively about “rent holidays.” Nobody asked for a pandemic.

SICK of hearing politicians encourage us to approach landlords one-on-one. The big corporations dgaf, and it’s hit or miss with small landlords. Renters shouldn’t be at the mercy of their individual circumstances.

If we are all in this together, let’s be in this together.

PS That includes banks. Completely illogical to grant mortgage deferrals on case-by-case basis, only for primary home, and with interest?! OBVIOUSLY pressure on landlords will be redirected to renters. With evictions on hold, wouldn’t be surprised to see desperate vigilantism.


Same Boat


Bureaucratic Hurdles