The Appointment Process

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ICYMI @fordnation just announced two new human rights commissioners, completely bypassing the usual appointment process. Strangely, neither @PCArsenault nor Jasmine Igneski were not among the ~330 applications reviewed by the chief commissioner Renu Mandhane.

Since @fordnation was elected, the number of human rights commissioners went from nine to zero— all of the appointments were allowed to lapse.

Worth noting the commission has an ongoing inquiry into allegations of racial profiling and discrimination against @TorontoPolice. In that context, it seems highly irregular to self-appoint an active duty officer. Especially someone whose application wasn’t vetted by the chief.

As @farrahsafiakhan points out, appointments should be merit-based to ensure independence of the @OntHumanRights commission. Again, Renu Mandhane developed a short list of 30 qualified candidates. What is the justification for deviating from the ordinary, transparent process?

Don’t forget that @fordnation has a bad track record of cronyism. Former chief of staff Dean French made controversial appointments to family/friends. Considering that background, I’ll ask once more: Why deviate from the ordinary, transparent process?



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